Meet Our Executive Board

Get to know the names and faces of the F.O.P. Lodge #36 Executive Board!
Joshua Morgan

Joshua Morgan


The president of our FOP!

Dan Demler

Dan Demler

Vice President

Our Vice President!

Aaron Knepper

Aaron Knepper


The Treasurer of the FOP!

Stephanie Northcutt


Secretary of the FOP!

Travis Teague

Travis Teague


The Conductor of the FOP!

Brian Meador

Brian Meador

1st Year Trustee

First year trustee!

Kenneth Stuart

Kenneth Stuart

2nd Year Trustee

It's our 2nd year trustee!

Brian Watkins

Brian Watkins

3rd Year Trustee

The third year trustee!

Russell Lupica

Russell Lupica

James Burns

James Burns


It's our chaplain!

Get in Touch

Fell free to reach out to us with any questions!

Find us at the office

25327 State Road 23
South Bend, Indiana 46614

Reserve the Hall Today!

FOP Hall Contact 
Phone: 574-400-5818
Mon - Fri: 09:00 AM-4:00 PM

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